Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Playa Gótica (2014 - 2019)

It appears Playa Gótica, the Chilean alt-rock band, have called it quits. I won't lie: I haven't listened to most of their music, and their other singles have left me cold. But this post exists for one reason and one reason alone: Fuego. This is one of the best pieces of music I've heard in the last several years, otherworldly in its head-spinning beauty. Complemented well by a smeary, lo-fi music video, the song manages the stupendous trick of blending shoegaze with a dance-influenced drum rhythm, something that would pay similar dividends in the then-unknown future. Most music acts will never make anything close to this good -- including, it seems, the band who made it. But for a period of time it all came together just right, and Fuego was the result. Thank you, Playa Gótica, and goodbye.

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